🎙How Long have you been competing in GS?
My first comp was in November 2013 with 16KG Longcycle. I’d been training since the previous March and had a curveball of a major ankle injury 8 weeks prior – Just to make it harder! I managed 82reps and felt very pleased with myself.
🎙What got you started?
Following losing a lot of weight in my early 30s, I started to seek out alternatives to “just being fit”, as that was getting very boring, I needed a goal to work on. I started doing powerlifting for a while with a trainer at my local gym and he suggested I check out Kettlebells. He trained me for my first comp and I was hooked from then on.
🎙What do you like about the sport?
Let’s be honest, It’s still a fringe sport and there is a lot of opportunity to compete at a world level. That said you still have to reach the base qualifying levels. It is a great mix of strength, endurance and flexibility which has appeal for me. It’s challenging, takes consistent work to improve and keeps me out of mischief! mostly…
🎙Do you have a Coach?
I currently train with James Ross (The Richmond Gym – Melbourne). I’ve trained online with various other coaches but do recommend the benefits of an english speaking, locally accessible coach. Just easier!
🎙Do you have any ranks?
I have Achieved Rank 1 in Longcycle (March 2016) IGSF
Best competition result
Long Cycle – Rank 1 – 70 reps 2x24KG
Working on Biathlon this year and may consider both events if my body holds it together!
🎙What do you do when your not playing with Kettlebells?
I eat, a lot. And think about how I can improve my kettlebell lifting. And I run a Project Management Office for a small IT company here in Sydney.
🎙Any advice for people new to the sport?
Relax and be patient. It’s a challenge to get good at it and it will take time. Like all weight baring sports, at some point you have to push your limits and see what’s possible.. but balancing that with not rushing to lift heavier all the time is important. Get a reputable coach, talk to them and listen to them, push yourself and don’t forget to stretch!
It’s also an awesome international community of friendly and very welcoming lifters. Get amongst it.