Queensland is home to some of the country’s most talented lifters with a great proportion of the Australian National Kettlebell Team of the last 4 years residing from the Sunshine State. The GSAA Qld State Championship will be a qualifying pathway for the 2018 IUKL World Championship bringing together a high standard of lifting for this tremendous competition once again. Onward Fitness Calbooture has continued its contribution to the growth of GS in Queensland and will be a fantastic venue to host this event for experienced lifters, amateurs, juniors and everyone new to Kettlebell Sport.
Requirements to be part of the Australian National Team selection (Traditional):
Amateur and Veteran Qualification:
Athletes require a Rank 1 (IUKL Ranking Table) or above at a 2018 GSAA State Championship in their lift.
Athletes must also compete at the 2018 GSAA National Championship.
Professional Division Qualification:
Athletes require a Rank 1 (IUKL Ranking Table) or above at any 2018 GSAA Event to be eligible for Professional entry at the 2018 GSAA National Championship.
The winner of each Professional weight class and lift at 2018 GSAA National Championships will qualify for Professional representation of 2018 IUKL World Championships.
Men – Biathlon or Long Cycle.
Women – Snatch or Long Cycle*
*IKSFA ranking table will be used for qualification of Women’s Long Cycle
Enter Competition International Competitors Enter Here
- Date: Saturday, 12th May 2018
- Start Time: 1pm
- Entry fee: Adults $45, Juniors $25
- No. of event can enter: 2
- Address: Onward Fitness – 3/2 Machinery Parade, Caboolture, QLD, 4510
- Facebook: Onward Fitness
- 10 min Biathlon
- 10 min Long cycle (one arm and two arm)
- 10 min Snatch only
- 10 min Jerk only
- 5 min Biathlon
- 5 min Long cycle (one arm and two arm)
- 5 min Snatch only
- 5 min Jerk only
Kettlebell Weights:
- 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 26kg, 28kg, 32kg
Body weight classes:
- Men 58/63/68/73/78/85/95/105/105+
- Female 53/58/63/68/68+
- Host name: Dave Okeby
- Email: dave@onwardfitness.com.au
- Phone: 0477 436 769
- Facebook (for important updates): GSAA QLD State Kettlebell Championships