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Why Do I Need to Register as a Member?
All Australian competitors must register as an annual GSAA member to compete in any Regional or National Competitions. You must first apply below to start the registration process.

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Membership to GSAA is open to Girevoy sport athletes and supporters from all associations and clubs in Australia. Please note that we are not affiliated to just one international organisation (i.e. IUKL, IGSF, AKA).

We promote all international organisations and encourage all of our athletes to enter in as many competitions as they can, to support the growth of the sport in Australia.

Supporting, non-competing memberships are also available for only $1 per year, where you can get all the exclusive news and updates.

Where does the membership fee go?
Members are the backbone of the Association, and allow it to pursue its not for profit work of developing the sport for all Australians. All membership fees simply go towards covering the costs of administration.

Our major expense is comprehensive sports insurance, which provides coverage for office bearers , clubs and coaches – including competitions conducted under our risk management policy.

We pay a significant annual fee to contribute to the work of the IUKL (International governing body) to which we are affiliated.

Additionally, we pay an Association fee to the NSW Office of Fair Trading , and there are expenses such as promotional banners and competition expenses (hire of venue, certificates, medals, trophies, engraving).

GSAA officers donate for free their time, expertise, travel and general office expenses. Any assistance via sponsorships, donations or services is gratefully accepted.

Membership Types / Fee

  • $30 per year for junior competing membership (Under 17 year old).
  • $60 per year for adult competing membership (Over 17 year old).
  • $1 per year for a supporting membership (Get all the updates, non-competing)
Competition Membership
Enter your details below to apply for membership. No payment is taken in this application. If approved, you will be emailed to complete your membership registration and payment.

    Membership Type (required)

    First Name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Date of Birth(required)

    Address (required)

    Suburb (required)

    State (required)

    Postcode (required)

    Phone/Mobile (required)

    Email (required)

    Supporting Membership
    We need 1000 members to achieve accreditation as a national sport, and you can help. The GSAA is the not-for-profit official home of Kettlebell Sport in Australia, and is working tirelessly towards getting it into the Olympics. A $1 per year membership on with automatic subscription will help us. This is a no competition entry membership, but you get exclusive news and updates.