Already a GSAA member? Login here
Membership Types / Fee
- $30 per year for junior competing membership (Under 17 year old).
- $60 per year for adult competing membership (Over 17 year old).
- $1 per year for a supporting membership (Get all the updates, non-competing)
Competition Membership
Enter your details below to apply for membership. No payment is taken in this application. If approved, you will be emailed to complete your membership registration and payment.
Supporting Membership
We need 1000 members to achieve accreditation as a national sport, and you can help. The GSAA is the not-for-profit official home of Kettlebell Sport in Australia, and is working tirelessly towards getting it into the Olympics. A $1 per year membership on with automatic subscription will help us. This is a no competition entry membership, but you get exclusive news and updates.