QLD State Championship Results

QLD State Championship Results

Competition Results, Video Interviews
Check out the post set interviews with champions Kristian and Beate regarding the sport. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddBaaPv6u2g Biathlon - Men 1. David Okeby 16kg / 223 Points Biathlon - Women 1. Jessica Wadd 12kg / 224 Points 2. Brock Harris 10kg / 186 Points Long Cycle - Men 1. Kristian Karlsen 32kg / 58 Reps 2. Ty Johns 20kg / 66 Reps 3. Anthony Evans 16kg / 72 Reps 4. Henry Morgan 16kg / 65 Reps 5. Andrew Trought 16kg / 60 Reps Long Cycle - Women 1. Beate Kårstad Støfring 24kg / 66 Reps 2. Valerie Abbott 16kg / 68 Reps One Arm Long Cycle - Women 1. Saga Wessman 16kg / 120 Reps 2. Barbara Baugh 16kg / 103 Reps 3. Steph Jessup 20kg / 74 Reps 4. Leonie Findley…
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WA State Championship Result

WA State Championship Result

Competition Results, Video Interviews
What a great day out at the First GSAA WA State Championships. Thank You to all that competed, judged and Supported the event. We cant wait to be back next year. See what first timer Kerry Bryant had to say about the Kettlebell sport. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtdOTx8sGF0 One Arm Biathlon Women 1. Andrea Fellows, 8kg / 221 Points Biathlon Men 1. Robert Croft, 16kg / 208.5 Points 2. Rod McMaster, 12kg / 75 Points One Arm Long Cycle Women 1. Cheryl Schneider , 24kg / 72 Reps 2. Kerry Bryant , 12kg / 116 Reps Long Cycle Men 1. Shannon Pigdon , 20kg / 82 Reps Snatch Only Women 1. Cheryl Schneider, 16kg / 161 Reps 2. Kerry Bryant, 8kg / 207 Reps Snatch Only Men 1. Shannon Pigdon, 20kg / 167…
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Interview with Master of Sport James Ross

Athlete Profiles, Video Interviews
A HUGE congratulations to James Ross (owner of The Richmond Gym) on achieving Master of Sport in Biathlon this past weekend at the Arnold Classic competition in Melbourne. James managed 80 Jerks and 91 Snatches with the 32kg Bells. James is now the only Australian to hold MS in Half Marathon, Long Cycle and NOW Biathlon! Watch the interview below with Cheryl and James and get his valuable advice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmctO2Uq2XM
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