Rankings are achieved in competition only. Official ranking is possible at GSAA events e.g. Major regional & National Competition. Higher ranks such as Master of Sport Intenation Class (MSIC) and Master of Sport (MS) can only be awarded by senior GSAA officials in conjunction with IKSFA/IUKL/AKA. Anyone wanting to achieve a higher rank needs to be judged by an official that has achieved a MSIC or MS.
GSAA use the IKSFA/IUKL/AKA Rules & Regulations
GSAA also use the IKSFA/IUKL/AKA Ranking (Doubles for Female)
(Note: For the female double events, must be IKSFA/IUKL/AKA CMS to rank for MS. Must for MS to rank to MSWC.)
Official Men’s Ranking Table
Official Women’s Ranking Table
Official Ranking tables for Female Doubles. GSAA also use the IKSFA/IUKL/AKA Ranking – Download Doubles for Females Ranking Chart
International Competitions such as IUKL World Championships, IUKL European Championship and IUKL World Cup Series use the following ranking tables. Click here to learn more.