Welcome to the FIRST of many, QLD state titles!! We will have beginner events as weill as qualifying events for amatuers for the Australian team! We are also proud and excited to host Ivan Denisov, who will be a guest judge on the day.
- Satruday 8th April
- 8:00–17:00
- Kettlebell Central – 2/65 Sandgate Road, Albion 4010
- 5min Biathlon (doubles)
- 5min Longcycle
- 5min Snatch only
- 10min Biathlon (doubles)
- 10min Longcycle
- 10min One Arm Longcycle (female only)
- 10min Snatch only
Kettlebell Weights:
- 8kg, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 32kg
Body weight classes:
- Men 58/63/68/73/78/85/95/105/105+
- Female 53/58/63/68/68+
Amatuers that are wanting to qualify need to compete in:
- 10min Biathlon 24kg, or
- 10min Longcycle 24kg
- 10min One Arm Longcycle 16kg, or
- 10min Snatch only 16kg
We will have weigh in’s on Friday afternoon from 1pm – 5pm (please let us know when you will be making it in!)
- 8.00am – final weigh in’s
- 9.00am – first flight
Host Contacts:
- Jessica Wadd: hello@kettlebelljess.com
- Facebook: GSAA QLD State Title Kettlebell Competition