Use the below form to submit your video submissions. These may include:

  • Online Video Submission
  • Record Attempt
  • Certification of Rank 1 or above

Please refer to the GSAA Rules for Online Video Submission. Missed or incorrect information will not be chased. Please contact us to confirm details if required. Please note; emails are collected in the event that GSAA or the Judging Panel require any assistance, including copyright on videos, corrupt files/videos, clarification.

    First Name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Email (required)

    Type of Video Submission (required)
    Select the appropriate type of video submission. If multiple options are relevant, select all that apply.
    Online Video SubmissionRecord Attempt (Only applicable for a Live Event)Certified Rank Attempt (Rank 1 and above)

    Your Event Details (required)

    Video Link/s (required)
    For multiple events such as Biathlon & Triathlon, please include all links.

    Australian Coach Names
    If you have an Australian Coach that is member of GSAA please type their name. This ensures that bias is removed during the judging process.