Thank You to Rock Hard Training/Kettlebells for an Amazing Venue and helping run the comp. Thank You to all the Volunteers who made the day a success. Well done to all of the competitors, we seen some Fantastic Lifting.
Men’s Biathlon
1. James Ross (24kg / 197 points)
2. Simon Hikaka (24kg / 162 points)
3. James McConnell (16kg / 208 Points)
Women’s Biathlon
1. Cindy Rella – (12kg / 277.5 points)
2. Elise Tuffy (8kg / 253.5 points)
3. Hayley Lethlean (16kg / 18 points)
Men’s Long Cycle
1. Roger Saheli (24kg / 54 To Reps)
2. Shannon Pigdon (24kg / 121 Reps – OALC)
3. Don Grant (28kg / 91 Reps – OALC)
4. Brigge Ruyter-Hooley (20kg / 116 Reps)
Women’s One Arm Long Cycle
1. Melanie Harris (24kg / 90 Reps)
2. Georgia Welsh (16kg / 110 Reps)
3. Sarah Jenkin (16kg / 104 Reps)
4. Sophie Tresize (12kg / 101 Reps)
5. Sarah Lea (24kg / 64 Reps)
6. Jennifer Waight (10kg / 123 Reps)
7. Bernadette Garvin (20kg / 93 Reps)
Men’s Snatch
1. Sam Murray (24kg / 150 Reps)
2. Andrew Elkner (16kg / 144 Reps)
Women’s Snatch
1. Jen Fletcher (16kg / 191 Reps)
2. Maxine Smith (16kg / 112 Reps)
3. Cheryl Schneider (24kg / 96 Reps)
4. Kiera Lawry (8kg / 153 Reps)
5. Sharyn Millis(16kg / 170 Reps)
6. Jessie Crozier(16kg / 82 Reps)
7. Chelsea Clare Stelling (16kg / 90 Reps)
8. Simona Vanni(16kg / 50 Reps)